Expanding checks and balances

In 1776 the folks who signed the US Declaration of Independence and later formed the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution were very, very wary of power becoming entrenched. Obviously, their concerns were valid. We could, from the “American Experiment” surmise that representative democracy is a total failure. But, perhaps it is not helpful to “throw the baby out with the bath...

Children: Which is more dangerous, Covid or the Vaccine?

I'm not a statitician -- and my college education did not require a statistics class. I always had a knack with math, and this should be easy to follow. In the Stage 3 Clinical Trial for the Pfizer vaccine in children ages 12-15 there were originally 1,127 participants. One participant, a 12 year old girl, became paralyzed from the waist down as a result of the vaccine. That means, in kids ages...

Regarding “meritocracy” in education

I received elementary education based on merit.  I was in a school that taught math in levels, and tested the students at the beginning of the year to determine that level.  In addition, I was identified as “gifted” in second grade, and received extra educational opportunities as a result.  When I went to middle school and was mainstreamed at Powell Middle School I was bored...

Social Distancing and Ostracization

Recently I was asked: "When does social distancing become ostracizing?" "Become ostracizing" encompasses two things(1) the ostracizing action taken by one group that excludes another(2) the feeling of ostracization by the individual(s)/group being excluded "Social distancing" encompasses keeping one's physical distance from all who are not in one's own household. At first, it feels awkward...