“Fur-babies” – extending human authoritarianism to the animal kingdom

I have always loved animals.  When I was three I contracted ringworm in my scalp from petting neighborhood cats.  At the end of a disastrous marriage I found myself interested in getting all sorts of pets that I had missed on having during the marriage.  Currently, I have 4 cats, a dog, 2 parakeets, 2 goldfish, a 40 gallon tank of tropical fish, and 16 hens.  I have to hire...

Creeping authoritarianism

I had a discussion with two of my teens yesterday about the definitions and real world examples of: totalitarianism, tyranny, dictatorship, fascism, and communism as practiced by the former USSR and the CCP, and authoritarianism.  My daughter had a great example of authoritarianism to share. At her middle school the students are required to display their student photo ID at all times around...

Messaging and gas-lighting

About four years ago my ex put together a computer for each of our then pre-teen children.  We were in the middle of a family court case and he was courting their favor after having previously paid them little attention while he was binge drinking.  For Christmas he gifted them each with the computer tower, and did not provide them with keyboards, mice, monitors, nor connecting...

Regarding “meritocracy” in education

I received elementary education based on merit.  I was in a school that taught math in levels, and tested the students at the beginning of the year to determine that level.  In addition, I was identified as “gifted” in second grade, and received extra educational opportunities as a result.  When I went to middle school and was mainstreamed at Powell Middle School I was bored...

An old description of myself

This was written in, oh, 2010? It was updated somewhat in 2015 or so. It is still largely accurate, although it is time to update again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` I make the rules I live by. I am an INTJ as typed by the Meyers-Briggs personality test. I am an introvert, however, I enjoy social environments, especially when I can be a part of a small group. I am...

The Value of Labor-Saving Devices

Written 4/20/2016 Using technology to reduce unpleasant work and to increase opportunity within the framework of Earth's living systems. A few times we've had this discussion about how in a utopia "everything" could be automated…at one's fingertip. Our views are very similar, but not quite identical. My critique hovers around 2 main points: the psychological health and ability of the utopia to...

Competition and Gold Trophies for Everyone

There is a lot of mockery in the world for Millennials who cannot handle competition.  It is pointed out that in an effort not to make any child “feel bad” or feel inadequate or feel a failure that “gold trophies” were handed out to everyone.  This attitude galls me, because it is an exercise in extremes that does not address the reality that occurs in between. ...