The Value of Labor-Saving Devices

Written 4/20/2016 Using technology to reduce unpleasant work and to increase opportunity within the framework of Earth's living systems. A few times we've had this discussion about how in a utopia "everything" could be automated…at one's fingertip. Our views are very similar, but not quite identical. My critique hovers around 2 main points: the psychological health and ability of the utopia to...

Why I cannot support Joe Biden’s bid for the presidency…

Dear Friends: Too often, when I am among my friends on the political left I feel obligated to nod and agree when they talk about the need to elect Joe Biden.  I feel like I will be misunderstood and ostracized if I speak contrariwise to them.  I have decided that I need to take a moral stand on this issue -- it is important that my friends hear my voice and my view. I cannot vote for...

Democrats and Republicans as “Skins” of the Federal Government App(aratus)

“Covid 19 may win the presidency for Desantis/Paul in 2024“ — Dark Matter Agreed. Been thinking along the same lines. Biggest problem: the dems and repubs are like “skins” for an app— changing the look and feel of the government, but not changing the deeper mechanics. The skins both have their respective problems, but the corruption we have been seeing (botched pandemic response,...

Competition and Gold Trophies for Everyone

There is a lot of mockery in the world for Millennials who cannot handle competition.  It is pointed out that in an effort not to make any child “feel bad” or feel inadequate or feel a failure that “gold trophies” were handed out to everyone.  This attitude galls me, because it is an exercise in extremes that does not address the reality that occurs in between. ...